Transaction details

The transaction FAILED and included to the ledger #92707526 (index: 150).

Failure:DST TAG NEEDEDFailure description:The Payment transaction omitted a destination tag, but the destination account has the lsfRequireDestTag flag enabled. New in: rippled 0.28.0

Type:PaymentTime (UTC):2024-12-11 22:18:00Source:rs4vEpEcMw8XvzCn5bbi1dzjjenapkrPg4Destination:rEUoQBJneTVZFKowmQDjL7vazgCuU1FbE9Sequence:#92675309XRPL fee:0.000011 XRP (11 drops)CTID:C5869AC600960000Raw TX data:show

Payment instructions

It was instructed to spend up to 0.000001 XRP.