Transaction details

The transaction was successful and validated in the ledger #94873339 (index: 10).

Type:PaymentTime (UTC):2025-03-19 09:35:11Source:rLYWSDgtAD2ZVXq15ca9f6u1e4aQQU3WihDestination:rLYWSDgtAD2ZVXq15ca9f6u1e4aQQU3WihSender spent:18 XRP +196 250 150.4998905 GGLB (r3iob86b...)Delivered amount:196 250 150.4998905 GGLB (r3iob86b...)Source tag:494456745Sequence:#94852912XRPL fee:0.000012 XRP (12 drops)CTID:C5A7A6FB000A0000Raw TX data:show

Payment instructions

It was instructed to spend up to 18 XRP.

Allow partial paymentThis payment should go through even if the whole amount cannot be delivered because of a lack of liquidity or funds in the source account.