Transaction details

The transaction was successful and validated in the ledger #92466120 (index: 155).

Type:Escrow executionTime (UTC):2024-12-01 00:08:11Initiated by:OffEscrowerOfDAINote:This Escrow was finished by the third party (not by Sender or Receiver), anyone can finish time based escrow when the time passed.Execute after (UTC):2024-12-01 00:00:00Escrow sequence:#16Escrow amount:300 000 000 XRPSender:RippleReceiver:RippleSequence:#1809XRPL fee:0.000589 XRP (589 drops)CTID:C582EBC8009B0000Memos note:Memos were added by the third party OffEscrowerOfDAI that finished the EscrowMemos:
Memo: ''The revolution will be televised'' --Jungle Inc, OR Will the revolution finally be televised? You can purchase NFTs from the account that has released BILLIONS of XRP from escrow over time. Bithomp tool v. 0.5.0
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