Transaction details

The transaction was successful and validated in the ledger #93314227 (index: 77).

Type:Conversion paymentTime (UTC):2025-01-08 06:36:30Address:rogue5HnPRSszD9CWGSUz8UGHMVwSSKF6Balance changes:+0.042908280065422 MOFO (rPzMosAb...) -0.000302262377659889 XNX (raDDJZ73...)Sequence:#27646794XRPL fee:0.00001 XRP (10 drops)CTID:C58FDCB3004D0000Raw TX data:show

Payment instructions

It was instructed to spend up to 0.0003181709434453932 XNX (raDDJZ73...).

Allow partial paymentThis payment should go through even if the whole amount cannot be delivered because of a lack of liquidity or funds in the source account.