Transaction details

The transaction was successful and validated in the ledger #92357839 (index: 44).

Type:PaymentTime (UTC):2024-11-26 01:37:21Source:r28mXZfGpr5dbCGaNRZxVY2NyrnETNoeADestination:r28mXZfGpr5dbCGaNRZxVY2NyrnETNoeASender spent:509 929.9093592 XRPlague (rwL2dCrC...) +0.330597 XRPDelivered amount:0.330582 XRPSource tag:74920348Sequence:#92173515XRPL fee:0.000015 XRP (15 drops)CTID:C58144CF002C0000Raw TX data:show

Payment instructions

It was instructed to spend up to 509 929.9093592 XRPlague (rwL2dCrC...).

Allow partial paymentThis payment should go through even if the whole amount cannot be delivered because of a lack of liquidity or funds in the source account.