Transaction details

The transaction was successful and validated in the ledger #48055036 (index: 13).

Type:PaymentTime (UTC):2019-06-18 12:41:10Source:r4eEbLKZGbVSBHnSUBZW8i5XaMjGLdqT4a HitBTCDestination:r9m6MwViR4GnUNqoGXGa8eroBrZ9FAPHFS ChangeHeroDelivered amount:102.239788 XRPSequence:#164347XRPL fee:0.006 XRP (6000 drops)CTID:C2DD42FC000D0000Raw TX data:show

Problem solving

This payment was sent to ChangeHero without a Destination Tag. Destination tag is used to identify customers. ChangeHero received that payment, but ChangeHero does not know to whom it belongs to, as there is no Destination Tag (USER ID) specified.

Contact ChangeHero customer support to solve this issue.