The validator list has sequence 2025011701 and expiration on 1/18/2026, 12:00:00 AM.
It includes 35 validators which are listed below.
It includes 35 validators which are listed below.
Versions (UNL)
Index | Version | Amount | %% |
1 | 2.4.0 | 31 | 88.58% |
2 | 2.3.1 | 3 | 8.58% |
3 | 2.3.0 | 1 | 2.86% |
Base Fees (UNL)
Index | Base reserve | Amount | %% |
1 | 0.00001 XRP | 19 | 54.29% |
2 | 0.0002 XRP | 14 | 40% |
3 | 0.000012 XRP | 1 | 2.86% |
4 | 0.0008 XRP | 1 | 2.86% |
Reserve Increments (UNL)
Index | Increment reserve | Amount | %% |
1 | 0.2 XRP | 19 | 54.29% |
2 | 2 XRP | 12 | 34.29% |
3 | 0.01 XRP | 2 | 5.72% |
4 | 0.02 XRP | 1 | 2.86% |
5 | 0.1 XRP | 1 | 2.86% |
Base Reserves (UNL)
Index | Base reserve | Amount | %% |
1 | 1 XRP | 19 | 54.29% |
2 | 10 XRP | 12 | 34.29% |
3 | 0.1 XRP | 3 | 8.58% |
4 | 2 XRP | 1 | 2.86% |
Validator | UNL/nUNL | Server | Last seen | |
1 | 🇨🇾Owner country: Cyprus Andreas Pavlou domain (TOML file) XChainBridge Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 🇨🇾Server country: Cyprus 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
2 | 🇸🇪Owner country: Sweden Bithomp bithomp bithomp.comVerified domain (TOML file) Credentials Base fee 0.0002 XRP |Base reserve 0.1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.02 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 🇫🇮Server country: Finland 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
3 | 🇧🇷Owner country: Brazil Bruno Albertini validator.poli.usp.brVerified domain (TOML file) Credentials, fixXChainRewardRounding, MPTokensV1, XChainBridge Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 🇧🇷Server country: Brazil 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
4 | 🇩🇪Owner country: Germany Christian Katczynski realkatczynski katczynski.netVerified domain (TOML file) Credentials, fixXChainRewardRounding, MPTokensV1 Base fee 0.0002 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 🇩🇪Server country: Germany 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
5 | 🇮🇹Owner country: Italy contact us! xrpl.aesthetes.artVerified domain (TOML file) Credentials, MPTokensV1 Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 🇪🇺 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago |
6 | 🇪🇸Owner country: Spain Ekiserrepe ekiserrepe ekiserrepe.esVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.0002 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 🇪🇸Server country: Spain 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
7 | 🇬🇧Owner country: United Kingdom validator.gatehub.netVerified domain (TOML file) fixXChainRewardRounding Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 🇧🇪Server country: Belgium 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
8 | 🇳🇴Owner country: Norway Jon Nilsen jonaagenilsen jon-nilsen.noVerified domain (TOML file) 83FD65...E39B2A, A730EB...80E849, C1CE18...D6BB74, DAF3A6...786B23 Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 0.1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.01 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 🇳🇴Server country: Norway 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
9 | 🇵🇹Owner country: Portugal Kaj Leroy onxrp.comVerified domain (TOML file) fixXChainRewardRounding Base fee 0.0002 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 🇨🇦Server country: Canada 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
10 | 🇫🇷Owner country: France Luc Bocahut xrpl-commons v2.xrpl-commons.orgVerified domain (TOML file) Credentials Base fee 0.000012 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.1 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 🇫🇷Server country: France 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
11 | 🇺🇸Owner country: United States of America Michael Hulet ripple.ittc.ku.eduVerified domain (TOML file) fixXChainRewardRounding, MPTokensV1 Base fee 0.0002 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 🇺🇸Server country: United States of America 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
12 | 🇺🇸Owner country: United States of America Nicholas LoBue aureusox.comVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 🇺🇸Server country: United States of America 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
13 | 🇳🇿Owner country: New Zealand Ricky Owens RickyOwensNZ validator.aspired.nzVerified domain (TOML file) Credentials, fixXChainRewardRounding, 83FD65...E39B2A, 8EC430...AE5D52, MPTokensV1, C1CE18...D6BB74, DAF3A6...786B23 Base fee 0.0002 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 🇳🇿Server country: New Zealand 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
14 | 🇺🇸Owner country: United States of America Ripple XRP Ledger Operations Team ripple.comVerified domain (TOML file) Credentials, fixXChainRewardRounding, 83FD65...E39B2A, 8EC430...AE5D52, MPTokensV1, A730EB...80E849, C1CE18...D6BB74, DAF3A6...786B23 Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 🇺🇸Server country: United States of America 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
15 | 🇺🇸Owner country: United States of America Robert Swarthout robertswarthout validator.xrpl.robertswarthout.comVerified domain (TOML file) fixXChainRewardRounding Base fee 0.0002 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 🇺🇸Server country: United States of America 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
16 | 🇺🇸Owner country: United States of America Scott Branson xrpl_rabbit cabbit.techVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.0008 XRP |Base reserve 2 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 🇺🇸Server country: United States of America 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
17 | 🇺🇸Owner country: United States of America Support Team, Konstantin Richter arrington-xrp-capital.blockdaemon.comVerified domain (TOML file) Credentials, 83FD65...E39B2A, 8EC430...AE5D52, MPTokensV1, A730EB...80E849, C1CE18...D6BB74, DAF3A6...786B23 Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 🇯🇵Server country: Japan 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
18 | verum.eminence.imVerified domain (TOML file) fixXChainRewardRounding, XChainBridge Base fee 0.0002 XRP |Base reserve 0.1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.01 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 🇵🇱Server country: Poland 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
19 | 🇩🇪Owner country: Germany Vet VET_X0 xrp.vetVerified domain (TOML file) Credentials, MPTokensV1, C1CE18...D6BB74 Base fee 0.0002 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 🇩🇪Server country: Germany 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
20 | 🇳🇱Owner country: Netherlands Wietse Wind WietseWind validator.xrpl-labs.comVerified domain (TOML file) fixXChainRewardRounding Base fee 0.0002 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 🇳🇱Server country: Netherlands 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
21 | 🇬🇧Owner country: United Kingdom xpmarket xpmarket.comVerified domain (TOML file) fixXChainRewardRounding, MPTokensV1 Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 🇫🇮Server country: Finland 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
22 | 🇰🇼Owner country: Kuwait XRP Kuwait xrpkuwait xrpkuwait.comVerified domain (TOML file) fixXChainRewardRounding Base fee 0.0002 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 🇰🇼Server country: Kuwait 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
23 | 🇺🇸Owner country: United States of America XrpGoat xrpgoat.comVerified domain (TOML file) fixXChainRewardRounding, MPTokensV1 Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 🇺🇸Server country: United States of America 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
24 | 🇮🇳Owner country: India XRPSCAN xrpscan xrpscan.comVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.0002 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 🇫🇮Server country: Finland 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
25 | 🇫🇮Owner country: Finland xSPECTAR xspectar.comVerified domain (TOML file) fixXChainRewardRounding, MPTokensV1, XChainBridge Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 🇫🇮Server country: Finland 2.3.0 | a few seconds ago |
26 | 🇬🇷Owner country: Greece AnodosFinance anodos.financeVerified domain (TOML file) Credentials, fixXChainRewardRounding, MPTokensV1 Base fee 0.0002 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 🇬🇷Server country: Greece 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
27 | 🇺🇸Owner country: United States of America xrp-validator.interledger.orgVerified domain (TOML file) fixXChainRewardRounding, MPTokensV1 Base fee 0.0002 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 🇸🇬Server country: Singapore 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago |
28 | Credentials, fixXChainRewardRounding, 8EC430...AE5D52, MPTokensV1, A730EB...80E849, C1CE18...D6BB74 Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
29 | Credentials, MPTokensV1 Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
30 | Credentials, MPTokensV1 Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
31 | Credentials, fixXChainRewardRounding, MPTokensV1, XChainBridge Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
32 | Credentials, MPTokensV1 Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
33 | Credentials, fixXChainRewardRounding, MPTokensV1, XChainBridge Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
34 | Credentials, fixXChainRewardRounding, MPTokensV1, XChainBridge Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago |
35 | There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | ✅In the Unique Node List (UNL) | 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago |
36 | 🇳🇱Owner country: Netherlands A.E. Kelly validator.boscaern.digitalVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇳🇱Server country: Netherlands 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
37 | 🇳🇱Owner country: Netherlands A.E. Kelly validator.boscaern.digitalVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇳🇱Server country: Netherlands 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
38 | 🇺🇸Owner country: United States of America Budd solonation.ioVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇺🇸Server country: United States of America 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
39 | 🇦🇱Owner country: Albania Casey CaseyXRPL kejsi.devVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇦🇱Server country: Albania 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
40 | 🇬🇧Owner country: United Kingdom Chris xrpl365 xrpl1.xrpl365.comVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇫🇮Server country: Finland 2.3.0 | a few seconds ago | |
41 | 🇳🇱Owner country: Netherlands Delft University of Technology diseb.ewi.tudelft.nlVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇳🇱Server country: Netherlands 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
42 | 🇺🇸Owner country: United States of America Derson Productions xrpledger.dersonproductions.usVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇺🇸Server country: United States of America 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
43 | 🇺🇸Owner country: United States of America Digitaltrance Productions xrpl.digitaltrance.netVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇺🇸Server country: United States of America 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
44 | 🇺🇸Owner country: United States of America The_CrytpoRonin ellisendeavors.techVerified domain (TOML file) Credentials, fixXChainRewardRounding, 83FD65...E39B2A, 8EC430...AE5D52, MPTokensV1, A730EB...80E849, C1CE18...D6BB74, XChainBridge, DAF3A6...786B23 Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇺🇸Server country: United States of America 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
45 | 🇷🇺Owner country: Russian Federation FinTecLab.LLC, SIEN corp. xrpl.suVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇷🇺Server country: Russian Federation 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
46 | 🇨🇭Owner country: Switzerland HelvetX helvetx.ioVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | 🇫🇮Server country: Finland 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
47 | 🇬🇧Owner country: United Kingdom Jacob Pretorius richlist.xyzVerified domain (TOML file) fixXChainRewardRounding Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇫🇷Server country: France 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
48 | 🇺🇸Owner country: United States of America Jeff rippled-validator.usVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇺🇸Server country: United States of America 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
49 | 🇨🇦Owner country: Canada Jim Buchan jimbuchan1 xrp.bpsqn.comVerified domain (TOML file) fixXChainRewardRounding, MPTokensV1 Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
50 | 🇺🇸Owner country: United States of America Kristin kristindack LadyKXRPL.mywire.orgVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00002 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | 🇺🇸Server country: United States of America 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
51 | 🇨🇱Owner country: Chile Lathan ShortTheFOMO panicbot.appVerified domain (TOML file) 83FD65...E39B2A, 8EC430...AE5D52 Base fee 0.0002 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | 🇳🇱Server country: Netherlands 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
52 | 🇨🇭Owner country: Switzerland Ledger Legends Lab ledger-legends-lab.chVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | 🇩🇪Server country: Germany 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
53 | 🇺🇸Owner country: United States of America Lurky Dev www.firstdevs.netVerified domain (TOML file) Credentials, fixXChainRewardRounding, MPTokensV1, XChainBridge Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇺🇸Server country: United States of America 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
54 | 🇺🇸Owner country: United States of America Marcus TrimaeraTech trimaera.techVerified domain (TOML file) fixXChainRewardRounding Base fee 0.0002 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | 🇺🇸Server country: United States of America 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
55 | 🇺🇸Owner country: United States of America Matthew Firm xrp.firmfoundation.ioVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇺🇸Server country: United States of America 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
56 | 🇫🇷Owner country: France Michael FocusXRP zerpaayworld.comVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇳🇱Server country: Netherlands 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
57 | 🇨🇭Owner country: Switzerland Michael Senn crypto.unibe.chVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇨🇭Server country: Switzerland 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
58 | 🇺🇸Owner country: United States of America moneymindedapes, coov, LQQK/Picasso, Mt_10, KryptoKonnect, GUTZtm xrp.moneymindedapes.comVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | 🇺🇸Server country: United States of America 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
59 | 🇺🇸Owner country: United States of America OpulenceX opulencex.ioVerified domain (TOML file) fixXChainRewardRounding, XChainBridge Base fee 0.00002 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | 🇺🇸Server country: United States of America 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
60 | 🇲🇽Owner country: Mexico Paco Cotera ripple.bizbots.comVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇨🇦Server country: Canada 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
61 | 🇪🇸Owner country: Spain Peersyst Technology peersyst.cloudVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇪🇸Server country: Spain 2.3.0 | a few seconds ago | |
62 | 🇰🇷Owner country: South Korea SGPP easynpl.krVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇰🇷Server country: South Korea 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
63 | 🇺🇸Owner country: United States of America SurSugarTits sursugartits validator.sugarxrpl.comVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00002 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | 🇺🇸Server country: United States of America 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
64 | 🇯🇵Owner country: Japan tequ _tequ_ tequ.devVerified domain (TOML file) fixXChainRewardRounding Base fee 0.0001 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
65 | 🇦🇺Owner country: Australia The Shillverse theshillverse theshillverse.comVerified domain (TOML file) XChainBridge Base fee 0.0002 XRP |Base reserve 5 XRP |Increment reserve 1 XRP | 🇩🇪Server country: Germany 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
66 | 🇬🇷Owner country: Greece Thomas Douzis Multi_Hop multi-hop.xyzVerified domain (TOML file) Credentials, fixXChainRewardRounding, MPTokensV1 Base fee 0.0002 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | 🇬🇷Server country: Greece 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
67 | 🇨🇭Owner country: Switzerland Tipper tipper-x.comVerified domain (TOML file) Credentials, 83FD65...E39B2A, 8EC430...AE5D52, MPTokensV1, A730EB...80E849, C1CE18...D6BB74, DAF3A6...786B23 Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇫🇮Server country: Finland 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
68 | 🇩🇪Owner country: Germany Ulle xrpval.rawsec.deVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇩🇪Server country: Germany 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
69 | 🇬🇧Owner country: United Kingdom XRPAYNET GLOBAL LIMITED xrpaynet.comVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | 🇺🇸Server country: United States of America 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
70 | 🇪🇸Owner country: Spain Xrpl App validator.xrpl.appVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇪🇸Server country: Spain 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
71 | 🇩🇪Owner country: Germany XRPL-Master of the Day xrp.hazza-systems.deVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇩🇪Server country: Germany 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
72 | 🇩🇪Owner country: Germany XRPL-Master of the Day xrp.soboll.spaceVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇩🇪Server country: Germany 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
73 | 🇺🇸Owner country: United States of America xrplto xrpl.toVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.0002 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0 | a few seconds ago | |
74 | 🇦🇺Owner country: Australia Zerpmon zerpmon zerpmon.worldVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇫🇮Server country: Finland 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
75 | 🇨🇭Owner country: Switzerland 589.clouds.hspeed.chVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇨🇭Server country: Switzerland 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
76 | 🇺🇸Owner country: United States of America troxofthetrade smokydrip.comVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇺🇸Server country: United States of America 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
77 | 🇺🇸Owner country: United States of America chonky-tiger.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) Credentials Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇩🇪Server country: Germany 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
78 | 🇺🇸Owner country: United States of America grimmsxrpflow.jwscott.netVerified domain (TOML file) Credentials, fixXChainRewardRounding, MPTokensV1 Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇺🇸Server country: United States of America 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
79 | 🇺🇸Owner country: United States of America ripple.j2b.comVerified domain (TOML file) fixXChainRewardRounding, MPTokensV1 Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇺🇸Server country: United States of America 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
80 | 🇺🇸Owner country: United States of America smugxrp.meVerified domain (TOML file) fixXChainRewardRounding, 8EC430...AE5D52, MPTokensV1, A730EB...80E849, C1CE18...D6BB74, XChainBridge Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | 🇺🇸Server country: United States of America 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
81 | 🇮🇳Owner country: India ghost.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇫🇷Server country: France 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
82 | 🇫🇷Owner country: France kungfureur.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇫🇷Server country: France 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
83 | 🇨🇦Owner country: Canada ripple.ece.utoronto.caVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇨🇦Server country: Canada 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
84 | 🇲🇽Owner country: Mexico www.payonline.financialVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇲🇽Server country: Mexico 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
85 | 🇺🇸Owner country: United States of America xrp.cs.uoregon.eduVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇺🇸Server country: United States of America 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
86 | 🇺🇸Owner country: United States of America xrpl.futureverse.cloudVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇳🇿Server country: New Zealand 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
87 | 🇺🇸Owner country: United States of America xrptears.xyzVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇺🇸Server country: United States of America 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
88 | 🇨🇦Owner country: Canada rippled.caVerified domain (TOML file) Credentials, fixXChainRewardRounding, MPTokensV1 Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
89 | chriskxrp.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) Credentials, fixXChainRewardRounding, MPTokensV1, XChainBridge Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇩🇪Server country: Germany 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
90 | israel.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) Credentials Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇫🇷Server country: France 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
91 | j-tyler.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) Credentials, fixXChainRewardRounding, XChainBridge Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇫🇷Server country: France 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
92 | jodes.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) fixXChainRewardRounding Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇩🇪Server country: Germany 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
93 | kingrich.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) fixXChainRewardRounding Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇩🇪Server country: Germany 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
94 | lovepattaya.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) Credentials, fixXChainRewardRounding, MPTokensV1, XChainBridge Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇺🇸Server country: United States of America 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
95 | memo.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) Credentials, fixXChainRewardRounding, MPTokensV1, XChainBridge Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇩🇪Server country: Germany 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
96 | trouser-snake.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) fixXChainRewardRounding, MPTokensV1 Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇱🇹Server country: Lithuania 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
97 | turmiel.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) Credentials, fixXChainRewardRounding, MPTokensV1 Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇺🇸Server country: United States of America 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
98 | alleskannieuw2.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇱🇹Server country: Lithuania 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
99 | bluezklue.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇫🇷Server country: France 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
100 | dmoney.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇫🇷Server country: France 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
101 | isreal.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇬🇧Server country: United Kingdom 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
102 | learsi.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇮🇳Server country: India 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
103 | lechonkawali.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇮🇳Server country: India 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
104 | meifurachan-mayflower.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇫🇷Server country: France 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
105 | millionheadsup.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇮🇳Server country: India 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
106 | millionheadsupv3.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇱🇹Server country: Lithuania 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
107 | niku.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇬🇧Server country: United Kingdom 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
108 | nolan-sorrento.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇩🇪Server country: Germany 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
109 | ntg5odu.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇱🇹Server country: Lithuania 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
110 | rwizard1g.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇫🇷Server country: France 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
111 | sb1.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇺🇸Server country: United States of America 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
112 | sb2.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇺🇸Server country: United States of America 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
113 | sb3.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇩🇪Server country: Germany 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
114 | sb4.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇱🇹Server country: Lithuania 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
115 | skelly.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇺🇸Server country: United States of America 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
116 | toneman.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇩🇪Server country: Germany 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
117 | v4l1d4t0r.topnode.appVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 🇩🇪Server country: Germany 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
118 | xrpl-validator.7rev.devVerified domain (TOML file) There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
119 | Credentials, fixXChainRewardRounding, MPTokensV1 Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0 | a few seconds ago | |
120 | Credentials, fixXChainRewardRounding Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0 | a few seconds ago | |
121 | fixXChainRewardRounding, XChainBridge Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
122 | Credentials, fixXChainRewardRounding, MPTokensV1, XChainBridge Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0 | a few seconds ago | |
123 | Credentials, fixXChainRewardRounding, MPTokensV1, XChainBridge Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0 | a few seconds ago | |
124 | Credentials, fixXChainRewardRounding, XChainBridge Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0 | a few seconds ago | |
125 | Credentials, fixXChainRewardRounding, MPTokensV1, XChainBridge Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0 | a few seconds ago | |
126 | Credentials, fixXChainRewardRounding, MPTokensV1, XChainBridge Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
127 | MPTokensV1 Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
128 | Credentials, fixXChainRewardRounding, MPTokensV1 Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0 | a few seconds ago | |
129 | There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0 | a few seconds ago | |
130 | There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0 | a few seconds ago | |
131 | danjamin2.topnodeapp There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0 | a few seconds ago | |
132 | There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
133 | There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0 | 16 hours ago | |
134 | There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0 | a few seconds ago | |
135 | EELAP-P1201-XRP.ABUDHABI.NYU.EDU There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.4.0 | 3 days ago | |
136 | There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
137 | There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0 | a few seconds ago | |
138 | There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0 | a few seconds ago | |
139 | There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0 | a few seconds ago | |
140 | There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0 | a few seconds ago | |
141 | There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0 | a few seconds ago | |
142 | There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0 | a few seconds ago | |
143 | There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0 | a few seconds ago | |
144 | There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
145 | There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
146 | There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0 | a few seconds ago | |
147 | There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
148 | There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0 | a few seconds ago | |
149 | There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
150 | There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0 | 12 seconds ago | |
151 | There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0 | a few seconds ago | |
152 | There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0 | a few seconds ago | |
153 | There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0 | a few seconds ago | |
154 | There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
155 | There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
156 | There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
157 | There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
158 | There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0 | a few seconds ago | |
159 | There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
160 | 🇮🇳Owner country: India ISRDC isrdc.inVerified domain (TOML file) fixXChainRewardRounding Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
161 | 🇺🇸Owner country: United States of America Ripple XRP Ledger Operations Team ripple.comVerified domain (TOML file) Credentials, fixXChainRewardRounding, 83FD65...E39B2A, 8EC430...AE5D52, MPTokensV1, A730EB...80E849, C1CE18...D6BB74, DAF3A6...786B23 Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | 🇸🇬Server country: Singapore 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
162 | nHB2zbGnoNmey5J934LhsBZDQtAbY1yhag1ubgSjjicojm5jsZWe Credentials, fixXChainRewardRounding, XChainBridge Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
163 | nHUFFKsfSYR1T314mJpFoxztThe6f8EqZmmpUWpWfCUuzQcd8uKV Credentials, fixXChainRewardRounding, 83FD65...E39B2A, 8EC430...AE5D52, MPTokensV1, A730EB...80E849, C1CE18...D6BB74, DAF3A6...786B23 Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
164 | nHUKgjkmD49kjz7U9NJRjCDUXPFmNDnMiUttr81aMNKFAVJ9Rrmj fixXChainRewardRounding, XChainBridge Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
165 | nHBiV9vnpSCcCn8ogtuavHyLCvBvC4V33qfM1VP28VG6AF1vKFKU There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
166 | nHDwWABPzKs7RUxFEXzbqBcSLVQADCtoWYJHeqEPefuZ7JE7oaUm There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
167 | nHU8RF1E6BY37D1yNpjrbm3DXMggYFbkeMYaJ7C78nvhoeTrnM6c There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
168 | nHUCxY3GfmD5f4z893pREan2kwsDaC6fgUhKAQBrFZRY8J3LebSS There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
169 | nHUD4L6PzdGxF9ZXNVriUbS9Hm9Zv2FmgKr3F3Wukn5uNSr5Rgk8 There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
170 | nHUGvLPPnvYsaRKCFdsJg4oriC7XSXjqaVJZFZGwvsJKzzZtv5jy There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
171 | nHUJ9TRaSyvtZxS1yxuP5CDfqFAKBdYLZqwsorC3FMW4tWdV3G5v There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.4.0 | 7 seconds ago | |
172 | nHUc7gvr9vqRoSUH1uhDDkmrn8hvdqQXL2hmaEh7WMMxm8qgqL6f There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
173 | nHUoHhGzftPdNVbGK6H994Ai3U6Air9sqoD7HijdrVJ8FEKDnLAM There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.4.0 | a few seconds ago | |
174 | nHBXRNjWjs52ghGwrEkZMbYsa76xhtyqW5wFwoWtjf8pZSFifx9E There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
175 | nHBZ6tKdcMFesBkx3Ghm3ZehKcrohUasTuvZiAjYEts2CS4MR4W6 There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
176 | nHBZhR7bi7XeyggyBouEZ6YnQS9yqmnWXKdNJqka8HG5k1zZtFVJ There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
177 | nHDDUaZQDvWfJMiSHoERb8Qy3WvDeFDWVHPJ548FoCZz12JZbcGL There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
178 | nHDU8ZjFkP9MvNKS4qVQqixGVdK8uoWDMu4PyUcqG4SGyXKNsYZN There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
179 | nHU1CDnwycUaaLY3xbLZXdRnyu2zqGGVa2DaPSoakr1KNGvDMmRM There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
180 | nHUp7AsRtT2Dbj8dU43PbySdHomzntmfRg8EPZZ8hY4zcBZwneRZ There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.1 | a few seconds ago | |
181 | nHUGGy7bcCheJjpwavMBffxko98jTnGsKxZtVfsHK8tZfXzopjTF There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0-rc2 | a few seconds ago | |
182 | nHUtn3wNrNokRRN9BF26uYgYSoZZSuPssBNW4gkP41xPdJyhi8f9 There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0-rc2 | a few seconds ago | |
183 | nHU929Q1BuzUryAHvMcY1c4tqkViP1cYGkyWU7SH5uHt4hKhrUVE There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0 | a few seconds ago | |
184 | nHUiZgDZcFmEGkcpBx3HuvvuPBroNx8y98niThoKvMNrDuHuALiG There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0 | a few seconds ago | |
185 | nHUe9L5YB8Fd5wCMgrWwzxcdnWCr2vj6mq8vcBvZAA4GDventQgi There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0-rc2 | 4 minutes ago | |
186 | nHB4BQQkJgHm6XbSdbnZAMGbKpwpqcQAUR1AXw5eZ661PWgRgP3n There are no votes. Base fee 0.0002 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | 2.4.0 | 24 minutes ago | |
187 | nHUB2ZXEPhxcPLqVEDe5E2aK3usdVhEGAa9o1awFFwSs3mQQEmrF There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.4.0 | 2 days ago | |
188 | nHUfbxw2zXqbSVL9tiNSVhEVPcpUQwoWKtHyWkTbm6hQj2KaNqit There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.4.0 | 2 days ago | |
189 | nHBbhVohRNwjqyvr1fUG5x8ckW84exPrEE5NwBCptJGTgo6ZbeAA There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 1 XRP |Increment reserve 0.2 XRP | 2.4.0 | 5 days ago | |
190 | nHDwTR1XMn9ivXaGdkns8CMkcHuRqRSk3i6vSNZUPtHTqhSvREjU There are no votes. Base fee 0.00001 XRP |Base reserve 10 XRP |Increment reserve 2 XRP | 2.3.0 | 7 days ago |