Time machine:

Automated market maker pool
AMM ID2858D58ECD...D4A93F3B69
Asset 14,354,404 XRP
Asset 2180,229 CRYPTO (CryptoLand)
Trading fee0.904%
Balance856,409,462.6379082 LP XRP/CRYPTO
Currency code03CE60C3DB22CF7F7157810936F27A5B485C8DB9
Created8달 전, 4/16/2024, 2:43:41 PM
Last update4분 전, 12/21/2024, 2:29:21 PM
Auction slot
Authorized accountsThere are no additional accounts that are authorized to trade at the discounted fee for this AMM instance.
Discounted fee0.09%
Time interval21/20
Expiration8달 전, 4/17/2024, 2:43:40 PM
Vote slots
Voter 1rDLNm4ehD7XQCtYKWuMjEKY7TCfmf3CwzH
Trading fee0.05%
Vote weight0.402%
Created6일 전, 12/15/2024, 3:55:42 PM
Last update4분 전, 12/21/2024, 2:29:21 PM

Voter 2r3qwEdyqQwky7XkBgjGmpx2uAybvEWvtFW
Trading fee1%
Vote weight0.785%
Created8달 전, 4/16/2024, 8:32:41 PM
Last update4분 전, 12/21/2024, 2:29:21 PM

Voter 3rPwa8GitaPACdLv6U4jvVkCouMXncyu6e8
Trading fee0.01%
Vote weight0.568%
Created10일 전, 12/11/2024, 1:09:21 PM
Last update4분 전, 12/21/2024, 2:29:21 PM

Voter 4rpuFAJD8yoy1XpVgE3yxvRpKNvkneCEZkL
Trading fee1%
Vote weight0.518%
Created7달 전, 6/3/2024, 10:11:42 PM
Last update4분 전, 12/21/2024, 2:29:21 PM

Voter 5rPkEP993rxtRrYbKLg9LmMtBihEFPbc3iH
Trading fee1%
Vote weight0.199%
Created3일 전, 12/18/2024, 8:27:42 AM

Voter 6raPcZh8NBgGaDgrXfA3kbaxSmHNSiS78M3
Trading fee1%
Vote weight0.954%
Created5달 전, 7/30/2024, 6:08:01 PM
Last update4분 전, 12/21/2024, 2:29:21 PM

Voter 7rhb3ehSigtQha4x8dj1PkDS7ZU4ec1vWCb
Trading fee1%
Vote weight0.512%
Created7달 전, 5/17/2024, 4:05:31 AM
Last update4분 전, 12/21/2024, 2:29:21 PM

Voter 8r4DhdiKC5VAQp6Gh8w8nvqGEJzw84iQyJb
Trading fee1%
Vote weight5.914%
Created8달 전, 4/17/2024, 3:45:30 AM
Last update4분 전, 12/21/2024, 2:29:21 PM